Hey all!

I’m Deven, a cartoonist and illustrator located in the San Francisco Bay Area. I love line, flat color, narrative and sequential art, as well as character design and storytelling. My characters are expressive and warm, the perfect fit for both comics and traditional kid lit books for early readers through YA.

I’m a mom of two and a breast cancer survivor. I have two cats, a bunch of fish, one snail, and have a deep love for 80-90s pop culture. I also love Star Trek.

Please drop me a line and let’s chat about how we can make something super cool together. I’d love to work with you!

Black and white line drawing of a curly haired woman sitting at a desk and leaning her head on her left hand. Her right hand holds a pencil and is resting on top of a sketchbook. Shading is done with a watery, gray that resembles watercolor.